Is Betrayal Trauma Something Only Adults Can Develop?

Clark Lee • Feb 09, 2021
S.O.L.E. Counseling - Is betrayal trauma only happen with adults?
The moment you find out about your partner's infidelity or addiction is likely one you'll never forget. Whether you discover it on your own or your spouse tells you, the impact can be just as traumatic. However, in regard to children, what's the impact on them? Can children also develop betrayal trauma? 

Betrayal trauma is a term used by professionals who treat those experiencing symptoms similar to PTSD. You may not think of discovering infidelity or addiction as trauma. However, when there is a severe violation of safety or trust, that betrayal can trigger a trauma response. As such, children, teens, and adults can all develop betrayal trauma.

In this article, we'll define betrayal trauma and discuss who may develop symptoms. 
S.O.L.E. Counseling - What is betrayal trauma

What is Betrayal Trauma? 

Betrayal trauma is an after-effect of a betrayal. In other words, it's the distress and inner turmoil that occurs after a significant violation of trust. It can happen in both parent-child or romantic partner relationships. When you rely on another for safety, protection, and love, and they violate that, it can be traumatic. 

Like many, when you think of trauma, you may link it to war, abuse, or a traumatic car accident. However, a severe violation of trust within a relationship can send a signal to the brain that is similar to other forms of trauma. As a result, you can also develop PTSD-like symptoms. 

S.O.L.E. Counseling - Betrayal Trauma and Children

Betrayal Trauma and Children

Initially, betrayal trauma research focused on the effects of betrayal in child-caretaker relationships. Betrayal trauma centers around the attachment theory. For example, the bond you build early in life will play a vital in future relationships. Children with secure attachments are more likely to be able to create secure attachments in adulthood. On the contrary, when there is not a secure attachment, it can heavily impact your ability to develop secure attachments later in life. 

Children raised in abusive or neglectful homes can develop betrayal trauma. When your needs for safety and protection are not met, it can have a significant impact on your mental health. Likewise, those who experience a significant violation of trust and safety may also develop symptoms. 

Research indicates many factors can influence the impact of the traumatic incident. So, although two people may experience the same or similar situations, they could have two very different reactions. For example, you and your sibling have the same upbringing, but your symptoms seem more severe. Remember, you may be living with different symptoms. Likewise, you may have internalized the trauma differently. 

S.O.L.E. Counseling - Romantic Relationships and betrayal trauma

Romantic Relationships and Betrayal Trauma

When we commit to another, there is typically an unspoken agreement that you will provide each other with trust, love, and respect. However, when there's a violation of that, it can be devastating. Likewise, it can lead to a range of emotions, including anger and rage, confusion, and heartache. 

Betrayal within relationships can occur in a variety of ways. Discovering an addiction to porn, infidelity, and even financial deceit can lead to betrayal trauma. As a result, the aftermath can leave you with symptoms that last for months or a lifetime. It can cause you to question others around you and even yourself. Likewise, it can leave you longing for a sense of normalcy. Overtime, unprocessed trauma can lead to a variety of symptoms. Examples include anxiety, depression, and hypervigilance. 

S.O.L.E. Counseling - I'm living with betrayal trauma - How can I heal?

I'm living with betrayal trauma; how can I heal?

The healing process can vary depending upon many situations. However, reaching out for support can provide you with hope and validation. Likewise, seeking professional help can lead you down the path toward healing and recovery. 

At SOLE Counseling, we specialize in treating betrayal trauma. We understand the symptoms and challenges you may be facing. Just as we've helped many clients through their healing process, we would love to see if we can help you too. Call us today. 

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